Jun 1, 2018

COURSES (H thru P)

* Harborside (Chicago) 312-782-7837 - 36 holes $95 South
Portside - 4 tees 7,164/5,164 yds par 72, 75.1/132 - 70.8/122  WCPGG Review
Starboard - 4 tees 7,166/5,110 yds par 72, 75.0/132 - 66.4/116 
* Heather Ridge (Gurnee) 847-367-6010 - 9 holes, 3,007 yds par 35, 35.1/117 $28 Far North 
* Heritage Bluffs (Channahon) 815-467-7888 - 4 tees 7,171/5,035 yds par 72, 74.1/138 - 69.0/120 $63  Mr Z Review  Pictures   Far SW
* Heritage Oaks (Northbrook) 847-291-2351 - 27 holes North
* Hickory Hills 708-598-5900 - 27 holes  South  
18 hole course - 5,928 yds par 71, 67.9/116 $50  Pictures
9 hole course - 1,560 yds par 30 $25
* Highlands of Elgin 847-931-5950 - 4 tees 6,707/5,078 yds par 71, 72.5/130 - 67.6/118 $65  Mr Z Review  Far West
* Highland Park 847-433-9015 - 3 tees 6,618/5,461 yds par 71, 71.5/132 - 66.2/121 $73 North
* Highland Woods (Hoffman Estates) 1-800-460-0010 - 4 tees 6,934/5,831 yds par 72, 72.5/124 - 67.4/112 $56 Mr Z Review  Northwest 
* High Point (Essex) 815-365-4000 - 9 holes, 3 tees 3,263/2,550 par 36, 70.8/116 - 68/110 $21
Far SW
* Hilldale (Hoffman Estates) 847-310-1100 - 4 tees 6,432/5,227 yds par 71, 72.0/138 - 67.6/128 $64  Mr Z Review   Pictures   Northwest
* Hughes Creek (Elburn) 630-365-9200 - 3 tees 6,506/5,561 yds par 72, 71.4/123 - 70.0/120 $52  Mr Z Review   PHOTO TOUR    Far West
* Indian Boundary (Chicago) 1-800-460-0010 - 3 tees 6,068/4,653 par 72, 68.6/116 - 66.0/109 $46 Near North   PHOTO TOUR
* Inwood (Joliet) 815-741-7265 - 3 tees 6,196/4,678 par 71, 70.1/131 - 67.3/111 $54   PHOTO TOUR   Far SW 
* Jackson Park (Chicago) 312-245-0909 - 3 tees 5,444/4,982 par 70, 65.7/109 - 63.5/104 $43 South
* Joe Louis (Riverdale) 1-800-460-0010 - 3 tees 6,742/5,189 yds par 72, 71.4/124 - 68.6/115 $44 South 
* Klein Creek (Winfield) 630-690-0101 - 4 tees 6,701/4,909 par 72, 72.6/137 - 67.2/122 $79  Pictures  West   
* Lake Bluff 847-234-6771 - 4 tees 6,589/4,969 yds par 72, 71.3/124 - 69.5/120 $65 Pictures  North
* Lake Park (Des Plaines) 847-391-5730 - 1,515 yds par 54, $13.50 (walking) Near West
* Lincoln Oaks (Crete) 708-672-9401 - 3 tees 6,186/4,482 yds par 71, 69.0/120 - 64.9/105 $49  Mr Z Review  Far South
* Links & Tees (Addison) 630-458-2660 - 9 holes 1,161 yds par 27, $19 w/pull cart Near West
* Lombard  630-469-6768 - 9 holes 3 tees 3,051/2,852 yds par 35, 69.2/111 (M), 72.2/114 (W)  $32 w/cart  PHOTO TOUR   West
* Longwood (Crete) 708-758-1811 - 3 tees 6,404/5,636 yds par 70, 70.6/130 - 68.8/126 Mr Z Review  Pictures Far South
* Makray (Barrington) 847-381-6500 - 4 tees 6,903/5,171 yds par 72, 74.0/133 - 66.1/116 $92 Mr Z Review    PHOTO TOUR   Northwest 
* Maple Meadows (Wooddale) 630-616-8424 - 27 holes; Near West
West Course (18 holes) 4 tees 6,438/5,339 yds par 70 $52
Mr Z Review

East Course (9 holes) 4 tees 2,815/2,427 yds par 34 $23
* Marengo Ridge (Marengo) 815-923-2332 - 4 tees 6,654/5,368 yds par 72, 72.5/129 - 68.2/119 $56 Far NW
* Marquette Park (Chicago) 312-245-0909 - 9 holes, 2 tees 3,245/2,932 yds par 36, 35.5/119 - 34.1/112 $29 Mr Z Review   South
* Meadowlark (Hinsdale) 1-800-460-0010 - 9 holes, 3 tees 3,404/2,872 yds par 36, 35.9/114 - 35.1/111 $28  PHOTO TOUR   Near West
* Meadows (Blue Island) 708-385-1994 - 3 tees 6,581/5,340 yds par 71, 71.3/121 - 67.3/107 $43   PHOTO TOUR   South   
* Midlane (Wadsworth) 847-623-GOLF - 4 tees 6,848/5,021 yds par 71, 73.4/138 - 70.1/125 $68  Mr Z Review  Far North
* Mill Creek (Geneva) 630-208-7272 - 4 tees 6,420/4,444 par 71, 71.4/135 - 66.0/116 $57 Mr Z Review Far West 
* Minne Monesse (Grant Park) 815-465-6653 - 3 tees 6,357/4,969 yds par 72, 70.7/126 - 69.2/123 $44 Far South
* Mistwood (Romeoville) 815-254-3333 - 4 tees 6,773/5,236 yds par 72, 72.4/137 - 69.5/130 $79 Southwest
* Mt. Prospect 847-632-9300 - 4 tees 6,309/5,028 par 71, 71.0/129 - 66.3/118 $67  WCPGG Review   Near North 
* Naperbrook (Naperville) 630-378-4215 - 4 tees 6,677/5,239 yds par 72, 72.0/127 - 68.6/120 $64  Mr Z Review  Pictures  Southwest 
* Nettle Creek (Morris) 815-941-4300 - 6,562/5,059 yds par 71, 72.1/130 - 68.9/120 $52 Mr Z Review Far SW
* Oak Brook 630-368-6400 - 3 tees 6,541/5,341 yds par 72, 71.1/126 - 69.2/120 $69 Mr Z Review   Pictures   Near West
* Oak Grove (Harvard) 815-648-2550 - 5 tees 7,021/5,254 yds par 71, 75.0/142 - 68.7/127 $69 Far NW
* Oak Hills (Palos Heights) 708-448-5544 - 9 holes, 2 tees 2,520/2,225 yds par 34 33.0/109 $29   PHOTO TOUR   South
* Oak Meadows (Addison) 630-595-0071 - 3 tees 6,718/5,628 par 71 $57 Near West
* Odyssey (Tinley Park) 708-429-7400 - 4 tees 7,095/5,564 par 72, 73.1/131 - 68.8/120 $64  Mr Z Review  South
* Old Oak (Homer Glen) 708-301-3344 - 3 tees 6,609/5,298 yds par 71, 71.1/128 - 69.1/123 $67 Mr Z Review  Southwest
* Old Orchard (Mt. Prospect) 847-255-2025 - 3 tees 6,187/5,346 yds par 70, 70.5/134 - 68.8/130 $77.50  Mr Z Review   PHOTO TOUR   Near North
* Orchard Valley (Aurora) - 630-907-0500 - 4 tees 6,745/5,162 par 72, 72.4/134 - 68.2/124 $75 Mr Z Review   Pictures   Far West
* Palatine Hills (Palatine) - 4 tees 6,810/5,450 yds par 72, $62 Northwest
* Palos/Southmoor (Orland Park) 708-448-6550 - 9 holes, 4 tees 3,261/2,484 yds par 35 Mr Z Review   PHOTO TOUR   South 
* Palos Hills 708-599-0202 - 9 holes, 4 tees 2,838/2,198 par 35, 67.4/119 - 63.4/105 $25 South
* Pheasant Run (St. Charles) 630-584-4914 - 5 tees 6,424/5,033 yds par 72, 70.6/122 - 66.7/113 $75 Far West
* Phillips Park (Aurora) 630-256-3760 - 3 tees 6,186/4,826 par 71, 69.8/121 - 67.5/116 $50 Mr Z Review Far West
* Pinecrest (Huntley) 847-669-3111 - 3 tees 6,604/5,061 par 72, 71.5/123 - 63.2/90 $53 Far NW   Pictures
* Pine Meadow (Mundelein) 847-566-GOLF - 5 tees 7,238/5,272 yds par 72, 74.8/138 - 65.8/115 $100  Mr Z Review North
* Plum Tree National (Harvard) 815-943-7474 - 4 tees 6,695/5,710 yds par 72, 72.6/133 - 69.6/126 $65 Far NW
* Poplar Creek, Bridges of (Hoffman Estates) 847-781-3681 - 3 tees 6,321/5,338 yds par 70, 70.5/133 - 65.8/122 $62   Mr Z Review   PHOTO TOUR   Northwest 
* Pottawatomie (St. Charles) 630-584-8356 - 9 holes, 3 tees 3,007/2,517 yds par 35, 69.8/122 - 67.4/116 $28  Mr Z Review   PHOTO TOUR  Far West
* Prairie Bluff (Lockport) 815-836-4653 - 4 tees 6,893/5,326 yds par 72, 72.7/124 - 70.7/113 $59   PHOTO TOUR   Southwest 
* Prairie Isle (Prairie Grove) 815-356-0202 - 3 tees -par 72. 72.1/128 - 71.5/121 $71      Mr Z Review  Northwest
* Prairie Landing (West Chicago) 630-208-7600 - 5 tees 6,950/4,859 par 72, 73.2/136 - 66.5/117 $96 Mr Z Review Far West

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About This Site

I am a life long Chicagoan and an avid golfer (or as much as my wife will let me!). And I am also a closet journalist who needed an outlet, so I decided to write reviews of the golf courses that I've played over the years in Chicago. Plus I've added detailed information on each course to help my fellow public golfers find the ones that best fits their skill level and budgets. So, read the reviews and use the comments to either give me a big "thumbs up" or tell me I'm full of crap, check out the courses and other pages, and let me know what you think... Mr Z